Wednesday 28 August 2013

Overcoming Negative thoughts

29 september 2013,

Hi everyone , This is sudharson jones from Chennai, India. If you are one of the people like me who read hundreds of articles about negative thoughts, Anxiety and depression but can't able to overcome these ,This post is for you . Yes i succeded in overcoming these

How negative thoughts and depression occurs ?
                                         Well the answer is quite simple its because our mind is idle . Yes "An idle mind is devil's playground" . First we are failing to understand our brain. It is a just a part of our body . I don't wanna debate whether depression leads to negative thoughts or negative thoughts leads to depression according to me both are same .  You should have read in many articles that our brain produces 70,000 thoughts per day . Imagine 70,000 thoughts but we are give our energy only to few thoughts . Many people will have this doubt  "What if this negative thought comes in Future ? " . I know that feeling , I too felt the same . If we love a person too much then if we miss them these negative thoughts and depression occurs. When our body is dirty , we clean it by bathing what happens if your mind gets caught by dirt ?


Yes don't fear to your mind

I don't wanna say you about your brain , symptoms of negative thoughts and depression i will just say you how to over come these .

Overcoming negative thoughts and Depression :
  1.  As you know your brain produces around 70,000 thoughts per day , try to write down atleast 1000 thoughts that came to your mind  . I bet you even you cant recognise 1000 thoughts from that 70,000 thoughts its because we don't listen to our thought . So just react to both positive and negative thought in same as there is no positive and negative thought.
  2. Three thing that you should not do when a negative thought occurs ,
    • Don't fear for negative thoughts . I know its difficult but not fearing for our negative thought will decrese the power of your negative thought from 100 to 50 percentage . "see now half of your problem is solved "
    • Don't fight these thoughts :  This is the most difficult because we want to convince our mind that our negative thought is not true , but when we start fighting the power of negative thought will increse . Consider it as one of the 70000 thoughts produced by our brain ,As simple as that 
    • Don't run away from these thoughts :  Please don't think that you should not have these thoughts and don't run away from it  . Imagine it as a small child and be patient with it.
      " To say in one line we must follow the simple truth your negative thought is one of the 70,000 thoughts produce by your mind "